Our Supporters


Our Supporters

We are grateful to the following companies and organizations for their support! 

 No Child Goes Hungry & The Starfish Foundation

Boldly Growing

A huge thank you to the ever-generous Rev. Kären Rasmussen of No Child Goes Hungry for fulfilling a number of items on our Amazon wishlist. After our initial growing season, we learned that we needed ten new garden beds and all new soil. Kären's family foundation, The Starfish Foundation of Fairfax, jumped in without hesitation to provide funding that we used to purchase ten gorgeous new cedar beds from Boldly Growing

Boldly Growing is a family-run company that produces high-quality garden products. Upon hearing about our project, they offered us a discount as well! We are so grateful to both No Child Goes Hungry and Boldly Growing

Please take some time to learn more about Kären, her wonderful organization, and the impact they are having on those in need.

 Stone House Nursery in Wyckoff, NJ

We can't say enough amazing things about Brian and his absolutely gorgeous garden center, Stone House Nursery. After hearing about our project, he led us through the garden center. Not only was he willing to donate, he was thrilled to do so! Brian shared that his two favorite things are kids and Oasis. Then, he filled three flats with cucumber, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, and tomato plants. He also offered some helpful tips to get our garden off to a great start. We are incredibly thankful for Brian's kindness and generous spirit. 

Ho-Ho-Kus HSA & Black Kow

With the support of the Ho-Ho-Kus HSA we were able to purchase healthy, rich, Black Kow Organic Raised Bed Soil to fill all ten beds! Thanks to a generous discount from Black Kow, we were also able to use the HSA's funding to purchase organic earthworm compost and seedlings to supplement the ones we grew from seed. Thank you!

 Ho-Ho-Kus School

Many thanks to Mrs. Walsh and Mr. Padilla for lending us the courtyard garden space and to Mr. Bobby and the custodial crew for all of their help and support throughout this project. Additional thanks goes to Officer Allmers for his kindness and immense help in transporting over 100 bags of soil to the courtyard.